
Gastroenterology, interventional endoscopy, early upper GI neoplasia, computer assisted detection in endoscopy, endoscopic ablation for metabolic syndrome, risk prediction in Barrett esophagus.

Focus of research
  1. Endoscopic detection and treatment of early upper GI neoplasia
  2. Use of artificial intelligence in endoscopy
  3. Risk-stratification, including the use biomarkers, for Barrett’s esophagus
  4. Duodenal ablation for treatment of type-2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
  5. Less-is-more strategies in endoscopy

Jacques Bergman was born in 1965 and qualified from the University of Utrecht in 1991. He undertook his PhD-training, dedicated to the endoscopic management of gallstone disease, in Amsterdam. He was trained in Gastroenterology in Den Bosch and Amsterdam and was appointed Consultant Gastroenterologist, at Amsterdam University Medical Centers in 2001, as Associate Professor in 2005, and as Head of department of Endoscopy and Professor of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in 2011.

Jacques Bergman leads a variety projects on the use of machine learning for detection of early neoplasia in the upper GI tract as part of a consortium with the Technical University Eindhoven and 15 leading international endoscopy centers in Europe. He also has an interest on digitalization of endoscopic work processes.

In addition, his group has a strong focus on the endoscopic treatment of early neoplasia using endoscopic resection and endoscopic ablation techniques as well as in organizing training programs in this field (www.barrett.nl and www.best-academia.eu).

The group also facilitates basic research on biomarkers in Barrett’s esophagus. Jacques Bergman leads ReBus: a large tissue bank project that incorporates clinical data and tissue samples of 1,500 patients treated for early Barrett's neoplasia; 3,500 Barrett's surveillance patients in the Amsterdam region; 1,500 proscpectively followed Barrett's patients in the Amsterdam Prospective Barrett's Registration Project; and 750 Barrett's patients with low-grade dysplasia.

Jacques Bergman is also involved in studies investigating the use of duodenal mucosal ablation for metabolic regulation (diabetes mellitus and NAFLD/NASH) in which he collaborates with endocrinologists and hepatologists at the AMC and a number of European institutes.

The team currently consists of three interventional endoscopists, 18 clinical research fellows, three research nurses, and 2 physician assistants. The group has extensive experience with clinical trials and is trained according to GCP standards. The team coordinates several international multi-center studies.


  • Jacques Bergman is a member of the International Editorial board of “Gastrointestinal Endoscopy” and member of the International Editorial board of “Endoscopy”.
  • Jacques Bergman has authored and co-authored on over 400 peer reviewed publications and text book chapters and has lectured at many national and international meetings. His Hirsch-index is currently 70.
  • In May 2023, Jacques Bergman was awarded the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy International Service Award.