Monday afternoon, September 16, the Department of ENT Head-Neck Surgery, in cooperation with patient association HOOFD-HALS, is organizing a themed meeting devoted to HPV (human papilloma virus). Many people know that smoking and drinking alcohol can play a role in the development of head and neck cancer. But what many people do not know is that HPV can also cause head and neck cancer. This afternoon explains the relationship between HPV and head and neck cancer. Does vaccination make sense? Even at a later age? What are the options for treatment?
Both health care providers and patients will tell their stories. During the break there will be an opportunity for an informal exchange of views.
Digital attendance is possible.
The program, intended precisely for (former) patients and loved ones, the interested layperson and caregivers is as follows:
The program, intended precisely for (former) patients and loved ones, the interested layperson and health care providers is as follows:
13.30 Reception in room "Het Nieuwe Meer"
14.00-14.10: Welcome and background Make Sense campaign by Chrétien Bandt (PVHH) and Simone Eerenstein, Head-neck surgeon Amsterdam UMC
14.10-14.30 How does HPV cause Head and Neck cancer and use in diagnostics by Ruud Brakenhoff, Molecular Biologist Amsterdam UMC
14.30-14.50 Role of vaccinations in HPV by Jeanne-Marie Clement, RIVM
14.50-15.10 Therapy including TORS, chemotherapy and radiation, and possible options for less stressful treatments by Matthijs Fockens, Head-neck surgeon Amsterdam UMC
15.10-15.30 Tea break
15.30-15.50 Role of speech therapy before, during and after treatment by Fennetta van der Scheer and/or Nadya van Gent, Speech therapist Amsterdam UMC
15.50-16.20 The expert by experience: the patient's story
16.20-16.40 HPV myths and consulting room questions by Simone Eerenstein, Head-neck surgeon Amsterdam UMC
16.40-16.45 Closing
Date and Location
Costs and registration
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1. Name
2. Number of people
3. Is present live / wants to follow digitally (mention one of the two)
You can also register by phone at tel: 030-2321483