Write proposal

  • Non-WMO

Plan proposal

Scientific personnel should work with research support to identify technical and business elements that will need to be submitted as part of their research proposals. These requirements will vary depending on the source of funding.

Before preparing your proposal, carefully read the Funding Opportunity Announcement/Sponsor instructions. This will help you to guide your proposal development.

In addition often specific (internal) policies and guidelines must be followed depending the type of research you want to do, e.g. research with human subects, medicinal products and/or medical devices. Review additional guidelines for topics such as writing a WMO proposal, clinical trials involving medicinal products, clinical trials involving medical devices.

Develop proposal content

Usually proposals must contain a research plan, budget, budget justification, collaborator letters of intent, researchers’ Curriculum Vitae (CV), and, if applicable, other funder-required documentation. Coordinate letters of support or commitment from any other investigators or research institutes to ensure final copies are received and incorporated into your proposal in time for internal and funder deadlines.

Early review and planning to include researchers CV and collaborators information can help with  preparation and prevent delays in proposal routing. There may be other unique considerations depending on the research plan and who is participating on the project.

Research plan

Research plan describes the research to be conducted and may include a timeline, milestones, and deliverables. Consult funder guidelines and any relevant funding opportunity announcements for guidance. The level of detail will vary depending upon the proposal/award type (e.g., grant or contract) and sponsor and should be adjusted appropriately. Generally, it is best to provide as much detail as required to meet the potential sponsor’s needs, but not so much as to restrict your ability to adjust the scope if necessary during the project. Provide enough details about the purpose and aims so your administrative and compliance reviewers have the information needed to carry out their review.