
Focus of research

 The broad theme of my research group is developing “students for life”. Under this theme we focus on research geared towards finding out how to develop students for life. “Students for life” are students who are intrinsically motivated for their study, constantly interact with their environment, integrate learning and practice, and are ready to invest in continuing professional development. This vision has been made into a film which is accessible at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h7klf-IZFM

 Thus the central research question leading the research of my group is: How to develop “Students for life?”

 We use a ‘converge and diverge’ strategy: converge meaning adopting an in-depth approach in motivation research, complemented by diverge meaning building bridges to other topics in education like diversity (ethnicity and gender), professional behaviour, selection, empathy, interprofessional education and continuing professional development.