
Focus of research

My research focuses on identifying the (integrative) omics signature of depression (using DNA, methylation, gene expression, proteomics) and on finding better treatment for, and identification of, depression subtypes, mainly using data from NESDA (The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety) and NTR (The Netherlands Twin Registry).

I am co PI of PERCIM (Personalized Care for Immuno-Metabolic Depression) (https://psychiatryamsterdam.nl/project/percim/) and was part of the BIOS (Biobank-based integrative omics study) consortium management (https://www.bbmri.nl/acquisition-use-analyze/bios). As NESDA, NTR and BIOS we are part of the large eQTL meta analysis: the eQTLGen Consortium (https://www.eqtlgen.org/).

I am teaching a course on human molecular genetics for the research master 'Genes in Behaviour and Health' (https://vuweb.vu.nl/nl/onderwijs/master/genes-in-behaviour-and-health).

For the publication I (co) authored see my google scholar page: https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=cHJDM0YAAAAJ&hl=en.

And for the publications from the Consortia I participated in see:

BIOS: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=BIOS+Consortium%5BCorporate+Author%5D&sort=date.

eQTLGen: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?sort=date&term=eQTLGen+Consortium%5BCorporate+Author%5D.

See also our conditional eQTL catalog based on NESDA and NTR data:
And the Methylation and RNA-seq QTL catalogs from BIOS:
Email: ri.jansen at amsterdamumc.nl