About Amsterdam UMC
EpidM- cursus: Scientific Data Visualization: Tables and Graphs That Work
Other This half-day course intends to put the student on the right track to obtain the necessary skills. It consists of about 4 hours of pre-course preparatory homework, followed by 4 hours of group work and interactive lectures. Students prepare by familiarizing themselves with the necessary software; they also submit a table, graph (or both) from prior work.
Amsterdam Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2024
Congress & symposium The day will be filled with exciting lectures, showcases by Young Amsterdam Neuroscientists, and updates on revolutionary cases in Neuroscience. Moreover, there will be plenty of moments to connect with your peers during the poster market.
Inclusive research online lunch & learn session (APH DEI)
Course & workshop Every month (rotating Mondays and Tuesdays) from 12:30-1:00pm, an online lunch and learn meeting on inclusive research will take place.
PhD Graduation Ryan Raffan
PhD Graduation Expertise and Deceptive Movements in Sport
PhD Defense Diede Witkamp
PhD Graduation PhD Defense Diede Witkamp, The integrated stress response in Vanishing White Matter.
PhD Graduation Gisele Gotardi
PhD Graduation Visually guided actions of urban traffic users: Towards an affordance-based approach
PhD Defense Murtadha Al-Saady
PhD Graduation PhD Defense Murtadha Al-Saady, A gray area.
PhD Graduation Moritz Eggelbusch
PhD Graduation Muscle at Risk: How Physical Inactivity and Systemic Inflammation Affect Skeletal Muscle Health
PhD Defense Caroline Heuschen
PhD Graduation PhD Defense Caroline Heuschen, Suicidal ideation: a transdiagnostic perspective
AI&I Mini-Symposium: At the Barriers
Join us for a mini-symposium preceding Yannouck van Lier's PhD defense, Restoring Harmony: Exploring the Benefits of Gut Microbiome Repair in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Recipients, on December 20 at 4:00 PM in the Agnietenkapel. Symposium Theme: At the Barriers: Innate Lymphoid Cells and the Microbiome in Graft-versus-Host Pathophysiology