

11.00 Welcome by Janet & Hein

11.05 Lecture by Dr. Allore ‘Multiple chronic conditions and caregiving‘

11.40 Discussion-12:00

12.00 Mentoring lunch with Dr. Allore, post-docs, clinicians and assistant professors who have emailed us.

12.30 Visual abstracts/grant pitches/research line and article pitches

13.30 Closing

Speaker: Heather Allore, PhD

  • Professor, Yale University School of Medicine, Geriatrics
  • Professor, Yale School of Medicine, Biostatistics
  • Director, Yale Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Data Management and Statistics Core
  • Director of the IMPACT Collaboratory, Design and Statistics Core
  • Adjunct Professor University of Bergen, Norway
  • Adjunct Professor, University of Trondheim

Background, Interests, Current Activities:

Dr. Allore has been at Yale since 2000, and her research is focused on issues related to the design and analysis of trials and studies of multifactorial geriatric health conditions, especially among persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia. Several projects focus upon health disparities of older adults. She developed a sub-discipline of biostatistics that focuses on training and methodological development in geriatrics called “Gerontologic Biostatistics.” This discipline trains biostatisticians for conducting collaborative research with clinical investigators in geriatrics and gerontology and provides the basis for the development of new statistical methodologies.

*This event is an exceptional chance to receive personalized feedback and to enhance your research proposals. We are confident that your participation will be both inspiring and rewarding.

Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to by the 7th of September. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact us.

A public announcement of the talk for all researchers in the field of Aging & Later Life will follow shortly. However, if you know any other post-doc/assistant professor researchers that would like to join this small-scale brown bag lunch, then please email us, we’ll forward the invitation!

You as a post-doc or assistant professor in the field of chronic conditions and aging are cordially invited for a brown bag lunch with Dr. Allore following her public talk. During this small scale meet up you are invited to give a short talk about your research, an article, or a grant pitch. This will be followed by a brief discussion where you can pose a specific question to Professor Allore. Dr. Allore is veteran researcher and has mentored many researchers over the past 20 years and is happy to provide helpful feedback.

Preparation Guidelines:

  1. Prepare a clear and compelling two-minute pitch or visual abstract of your research or grant proposal idea. Focus on the key points and significance of your work.

Think of a specific question you would like to ask Professor Allore. This could be related to your pitch, seeking advice on a particular challenge, or asking for insights into the field of aging research

If you are a postdoc/UD and wish to pitch your research proposal during a brown bag lunch with prof Allore afterwards, please send an email to:

Date and Location

Start date Monday, September 16, 2024
Location • VUmc: OZW 8A07 (real life) • AMC: G7-296 (online only: see TEAMS link below)

Costs and registration