On Thursday June 22nd , the Oncology Graduate School (Onderzoekschool Oncologie Amsterdam, OOA) held its annual OOA PhD Day. Over 100 PhD students from Amsterdam with a primary focus on oncology research attended this event.

We kicked off the PhD day with an interactive keynote workshop by Artesc, where the attendees learned about the "The art of presenting science".

After this enthusiastic workshop, the PhD students could choose from a variety of interesting workshops, focusing on skills such as presenting and intercultural communication, data visualization and graphical design, and leadership.

The scientific program ended on a high note with a keynote presentation by science integrity consultant Elizabeth Bik. She took the audience on an interesting journey through examples of visually manipulated data and discussed various aspects of science integrity and research misconduct.

All PhD students then got a chance to further get to know each other and network while mingling during the closing drinks.

The OOA PhD council was proud to present this fun, positive, and informative event. We look forward to seeing you at additional successful OOA events in the future!

PhD student council. Barbara Andrade Barbosa, Chavelli Kensen, Ben Ooms, Konstantina Strepi, and Maud Schoot Uiterkamp.

For more information, contact OOA manager Dr. Esther M. Ruhé.