
PhD Candidate in the PIECES project (www.pieces-project.eu). Towards Large-Scale Adaption And Tailored Implementation Of Evidence-Based Primary Cancer Prevention Programmes In Europe And Beyond.

The PIECES project aims to adapt and implement existing evidence-based programmes to improve implementation outcomes and by that, improve reach and effectiveness of primary prevention programmes in real-world settings. We will address a wide range of risk factors and focus on the specific behaviour change mechanisms that promote healthy behaviours associated with a reduction of cancer incidence among the European Union (EU) population and beyond. The main modifiable risk factors that we are aiming to tackle in the project include: 1) Tobacco smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke, 2) Alcohol consumption, 3) Poor physical activity, 4) HPV Infection, 5) Sun exposure, and 6) Diet.

Focus of research

My ambition is to contribute to solving health problems worldwide by conducting and coordinating academic health science, practicing implementation science and doing process evaluations. I have a special interest in researching behavior and psychosocial behavioral determinants, prevention, and health inequalities between groups, as this is where the most health gains can be achieved. Hereby, a diversity-responsive approach is crucial to me, as I believe that every individual deserves equal opportunities for both mental and physical health.