
Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Mitochondrial Physiology

Focus of research

General interests

My main research interest lies in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle metabolism and mitochondrial function. I am interested in the fundamental aspects of skeletal muscle metabolism, mitochondrial bio-energetics as well as its consequence for whole cell and organ function. To study this, I use research methods ranging from imaging and spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy and cellular and molecular techniques, ranging from cell culture to the human body.



I have contributed to the understanding of how the skeletal muscle cell is able to adapt mitochondrial ATP production to demand. For this, I investigate muscle oxygen uptake under various conditions. Because of the link between mitochondrial dysfunction and exercise intolerance, and cardiac dysfunction, I have contributed to further understanding the consequences of mitochondrial dysfunction to functional outcomes in different conditions and chronic diseases. Some examples include the understanding of fatigue in current smokers and COPD patients, metabolic dysfunction in patients with right ventricular heart failure and cardiac dysfunction in patients with diabetes. More recently, our work on skeletal muscle abnormalities in Long COVID attracted worldwide attention in >250 media outlets, patient organisations and social media.  

Current Research

My current research involves different projects in the area of 1) Muscle atrophy and metabolic alterations after inactivity (in collaboration with ESA/NASA), 2) Exercise capacity in various patient populations, in particular Long COVID and ME/CFS, 3) Development of new techniques assessing fundamental mitochondrial function in skeletal and cardiac muscle, and 4) Effects of inflammation on cardiac and skeletal muscle function.