All VU PhD candidates that have provided the VU Amsterdam University Library with a free licence for non-exclusive publication of the dissertation in electronic form, if necessary with a temporary publication embargo, are entitled to a PhD defence reimbursement of € 500

This amount could be used to compensate part of expenses, such as printing and editing of the manuscript (see Articles 20 and 24 of the VU Doctorate Regulations). You need to add the bill/proof of payment to the declaration

The PhD defence reimbursement is being paid from a central budget ('kostenplaats' 8000)

Note that you should send the declaration form no later than 6 months after end of employment and/or no later than 3 months after the defence

Amsterdam UMC/VU PhD candidates

To claim the reimbursement if you are employed directly by the Amsterdam UMC, use the employee expenses claim form (Declaratieformulier, Dutch only). Find the form on (the Amsterdam UMC intranet homepageand) choose 'Mijn HR / Declareren / Raadplegen/indienen declaraties'

External/VU PhD candidates

If you are not (or no longer) employed by Amsterdam UMC (and you do not have access to 'Mijn HR'), please ask your supervisor or the head of department to send you an invitation to a so-called NIL form (only in Dutch) (to be found on (the Amsterdam UMC intranet homepageand then choose 'Mijn HR / Selfservice algemeen / Decl. Niet in loondienst (NIL)'

Do you have a foreign bank account? Payments then go via a different route. Send your declaration form to 'Betalingsverkeer' by email. The form must be provided with the signature of the budget holder and general ledger account and 'kostenplaats' number 8000.