To do:

Information about the final stage of the doctoral programme:

  1. You can attend the online beadle class (not mandatory) every Monday in Dutch at 10.00h via or in English at 12.00h via You do not have to sign up for this, you can just join. Your ceremonial assistents* (paranimfen) are welcome to attend this class as well. You can find documents with the information on the beadle class here: You can also view the beadle class video:
  2. Family, friends and colleagues (and other interested parties) can watch the defence via livestream. The livestream link will be sent to you by the web lecture service approximately six days before your ceremony. The link will be made public in the events calendar on the UvA website
  3. It is possible for members of the doctorate committee to participate online, if they are not able to join the ceremony in person because they are outside the Benelux. Your supervisor should indicate this with the UvA Office of the Beadle; the beadle will contact those who will participate online
  4. In case one or more members of the doctorate committee is/are unable to attend, the supervisor will have to invite one or more guest opponents. Please send a request for the required dean's approval to Doctoral Affairs Office (form below)
  5. Two weeks prior to the defence the supervisor(s) inform(s) the dean/Doctoral Affairs by email ( about the order of the opposition (form below)
  6. Note: The language used for the opposition and defence is Dutch. For a non-Dutch speaker the language is English, but they need the consent of the dean/Doctoral Affairs Office

*If desired, the PhD candidate may be assisted by two (or max. 3) ceremonial assistants (paranymfen).

For a more personal approach on how to prepare for the doctoral thesis defence ceremony, please consider to participate in the workshop “Finishing my PhD trajectory”:

Invitation: Workshop 'Last part of the PhD trajectory'

Interesting for PhD candidates whose defence ceremony date has been confirmed

Ellen Dijkstra (Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School) will inform you on practical matters in the run-up to, during and after your defence. For instance on how to prepare for the day of the defence, on the Laymen's talk, the structure of the ceremony. On where to find information on media attention for your thesis, on reimbursments to which you might be entitled. In terms of information this workshop will partially overlap the UvA 'Beadle class' (below), but also will be complementary to it. You are very welcome to join one of these online meetings; to sign up, please send an email to

  • Thursday 20 February 2025, 14.00-15.00
  • Tuesday 18 March 2025, 11.00-12.00
  • Thursday 17 April 2025, 14.00-15.00
Invitation: Beadle Class

Every Monday, the UvA organizes online beadle classes in Dutch (10.00) and in English (12.00). You can also watch the beadle class video

Necessary documents:

  • Order of opposition form (only available in Dutch; below under downloads)
  • Guest opponents form (only available in Dutch; below under downloads)

