The Core Facility Genomics (CFG) aims to provide cost effective and state of the art molecular technologies to all users of the Amsterdam UMC and aims to facilitate the optimal design of your study.
We combine cutting-edge technology with a flexible research mindset

The CFG provides state of the art genomics equipment to research groups and diagnostic labs, primarily in the Amsterdam UMC, but also to external parties. We facilitate the use of cutting-edge technology through centralized investment, management and maintenance of genomics equipment.

For researchers of the Amsterdam UMC who are planning standard analysis (e.g. DNA/RNA extractions, NGS and single cell analyses) within large projects, analyses can be performed at the CFG without the need for a public tender. All data are handled with respect to the legal requirements concerning privacy and data safety, Therefore, Amsterdam UMC user’s performing analyses at the CFG are spared from most legal and privacy regulation issues.

The Core Facility Genomics combines a flexible research mindset with diagnostic grade quality and assurance. In order to achieve an optimal result herein our team of expert consultants play an essential role (figure 1). This multidisciplinary team of experts provides you excellent advice on experimental design, they will discuss technical challenges and aim for cost effective solutions.

Due to our central role within our institute we comprise over a large network of expert scientists in distinct scientific fields of interests. Where necessary or desired, we can connect you to other groups or individual scientists that already dealt with related technical questions or challenges.

CFG  keyroles

CFG keyroles

Most equipment is housed within the Core Facility Genomics laboratories, however, usage of equipment at research groups and diagnostic labs is often organized through the Core Facility Genomics. The CFG is intended as the first point of contact for your genomics project. Intake consultancy can take place at both locations VUmc and AMC and online.

Due to the administrative merger of AMC and VUmc within Amsterdam UMC, the CFG is located in the Genome Analysis Laboratory Amsterdam UMC, location AMC (EN-ISO15189:2012, RvA M174) and in the Genome Analysis Laboratory Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc (EN-ISO15189:2012, RvA M130). Contact us, if you have any question about the exact location of your order.