Yunus Ahmed Affiliatie UvA Other Academic Staff, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Ahmed Ahmed Research Associate, AII - Infectious Diseases Affiliatie UvA Research Associate, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention
Philip d' Ailly Affiliatie UvA Other Academic Staff, Surgery
Khadija Aissa MSC. Physician, Ophthalmology
Khadija Aissa Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Pakize Ak CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Standard PhD Candidate, Hematology laboratory
Parvin Akbari Affiliatie VU CCA - Cancer biology and immunology External PhD Candidate, Medical oncology laboratory
Maryam Akbarzadeh Research Associate, Internal medicine Research Associate, Medical oncology
Nesibe Akdemir Physician, Obstetrics and gynaecology
Louise van Aken bachelor Physician, Nutrition and Dietetics