Olaf Paans MD External PhD Candidate, APH - Mental Health External PhD Candidate, Psychiatry
Nadine Paans DR. Visiting Fellow, APH - Mental Health Research Associate, Psychiatry
Kelly Paap MSC. External PhD Candidate, APH - Aging & Later Life Visiting Fellow, Elderly care medicine
Pien van Paassen Standard PhD Candidate, AII - Infectious Diseases Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School MD-PhD, Infectious diseases
Dirk van Paassen MD-PhD, Neurology
Ana Pacheco Correia MSc Standard PhD Candidate, AII - Immunology Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Standard PhD Candidate, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Standard PhD Candidate, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers
Roos Padberg DRS. Medical Specialist, Pediatrics
Anne Padding Other Academic Staff, General Pediatrics
Sandra van 't Padje Affiliatie UvA Assistant Professor, Human genetics
Beatriz Esteves Padrela Standard PhD Candidate, Radiology and nuclear medicine