George Abdel Malek Physician, Psychiatry
Arian Malekzadeh Affiliatie UvA MD-PhD, Medical Library
Muddassir Malik Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Marjeike Maljaars MSC. Other Academic Staff, Clinical pharmacology and pharmacy
Lennart Maljaars Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Michelle Mallinger Other Academic Staff, Anatomy and neurosciences
Sander Mallon Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Michail Mamantopoulos CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Visiting Fellow, Hematology laboratory
Jodie Man Visiting Fellow, Pediatrics Research Associate, Radiology and nuclear medicine
Shirley Man Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Other Academic Staff, Experimental Immunology