Maarten Seefat MSc. Affiliatie VU MD-PhD, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life CCA - Cancer biology and immunology CCA - Clinical Therapy Development MD-PhD, Hematology laboratory
Annelise van Os Affiliatie UvA Other Academic Staff, Dermatology
Gaia Segantin Affiliatie VU Standard PhD Candidate, Public and occupational health
Jens Seidel Research Associate, Internal medicine Research Associate, Medical oncology
Jaap Seidell Professor Emeritus, APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases Professor Emeritus, Health Sciences
Tom Seijkens MD PhD Research Associate, ACS - Atherosclerosis & Ischemic Syndromes Affiliatie UvA Research Associate, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Research Associate, Medical BiochemistryPI
Anna Seijmonsbergen-Schermers DR. PhD Affiliatie VU Assistant Professor, Midwifery Science
Danielle Seinstra DR. Affiliatie VU Physician, Pathology
Aydin Sekercan BSc Other Academic Staff, 02 Surgical Specialisms Affiliatie UvA Other Academic Staff, Surgery
Adrie Seldenrijk DR. Research Associate, APH - Mental Health Research Associate, Psychiatry