Kim Setkowski Visiting Fellow, APH - Mental Health
Celine Sewnath Standard PhD Candidate, Molecular cell biology and Immunology
Negisa SeyedToutounchi Postdoc Research Associate, Molecular cell biology and Immunology
Shahriyar Shahbazi Khamas AII - Immunology APH - Personalized Medicine Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Pulmonology Other Academic Staff, Pulmonology
Mitra Nekouei Shahraki Affiliatie UvA Research Associate, Epidemiology and Data Science
Mona Shahsavari Affiliatie UvA Other Academic Staff, Biomedical Engineering and Physics Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Natia Shamugia Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms Standard PhD Candidate, Integrative Neurophysiology
Fiona Shan Dr Research Associate, APH - Quality of Care Affiliatie VU Research Associate, Public and occupational health
Lin Shang Visiting Fellow, Molecular cell biology and Immunology
Additya Sharma Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Systems & Network Neuroscience Standard PhD Candidate, Integrative Neurophysiology