Robin Smits APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases APH - Societal Participation & Health Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Research Associate, Public and occupational health
Myrthe Smits Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D)
Jasper Smits Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration Standard PhD Candidate, Functional Genomics
Febe Smits DRS. MD-PhD, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life CCA - Clinical Therapy Development
Arjen Smits DRS. AMS - Musculoskeletal Health Affiliatie VU Affiliatie VU Lecturer, General practice Visiting Fellow, Pulmonary medicine
Marleen van Smoorenburg BSc MSc Other Academic Staff, AII - Infectious Diseases Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Other Academic Staff, Experimental Immunology
Stefan Smorenburg MSc PhD Candidate DRS. ACS - Atherosclerosis & ischemic syndromes APH - Digital Health Other Academic Staff, Surgery
Andreas Smout Prof. PhD Full Professor, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology MetabolismPI
Pascal Smulders Other Academic Staff, APH - Quality of Care
Michelle Smulders Standard PhD Candidate, Neurology