Knoek van Soest Assistant Professor, AMS - Sports Assistant Professor, Biomechanics Assistant Professor, IBBA
Eveline Soetens Visiting Fellow, Epidemiology and Data Science
Maarten Soeters MD PhD Affiliatie UvA Medical Specialist, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Medical Specialist, EndocrinologyPI
Marc Soethout DR. Lecturer, APH - Quality of Care Lecturer, Public and occupational health
Myrthe van Delft - Soffers MSC. Dr Research Associate, Molecular cell biology and Immunology
Reina Sol-Kloet DRS. Support Staff, Radiology and nuclear medicine
Remi Soleman DRS. External PhD Candidate, Obstetrics and gynaecology
Birgit Sollie DR. Research Associate, APH - Methodology Research Associate, Epidemiology and Data Science
Thomas Sollie Standard PhD Candidate, APH - Mental Health Standard PhD Candidate, APH - Methodology Standard PhD Candidate, Biological Psychology
Sofja Solovjova Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Systems & Network Neuroscience Standard PhD Candidate, Integrative Neurophysiology