Thomas Stoop Affiliatie UvA CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Research Associate, Surgery
Simone Stoots Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Research Associate, Urology Research Associate, Urology
Sacha de Stoppelaar MD Medical Specialist, AII - Infectious Diseases Affiliatie UvA Medical Specialist, Infectious diseases
Silke Stor Physician, Psychiatry
Merel Stor Standard PhD Candidate, APH - Personalized Medicine
Sebastiaan van der Storm DRS. APH - Digital Health APH - Quality of Care Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Standard PhD Candidate, Graduate School MD-PhD, Surgery
Tobias Stornebrink Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Research Associate, Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
Silvia Storoni DR. Physician, Internal medicine
Bram Storosum Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Pim Stougie Affiliatie UvA Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Standard PhD Candidate, Gastroenterology and hepatology