
Quality of Care, Teamwork, Value based healthcare, Clinical Epidemiology, Medical Informatics

Focus of research

We should organize health services is such a way that professionals and patients/persons can optimally participate to reach optimal health and health equity.

To improve quality of increasingly complex health services, tailored solutions for patients and professionals are needed to reach optimal health outcomes.

My research is directed at inter-professional teamwork to optimize quality and safety of care, and the influence of patient related factors. I focus on team-training, inter-professional communication and culture, and human centered design of tools for teams. In all projects I work with multidisciplinary teams. We use mixed methods to study mechanisms, determinants and outcomes. This ranges from a ethnographic study on the formation of distributed situational awareness among nursing teams to the effects of team-training on outcomes of obstetrical care networks.
My current research is related to the implementation of patient-centered value based care pathways, supported by patient reported outcome measures for monitoring, decision support and quality management. We use participative action research to develop and evaluate  support tools to align personalized care pathways. 

New projects extend value based service design by integrating curation and prevention across different health services tailored to the individual patient.