Health for all, powered by science
The Amsterdam Public Health research institute stimulates state-of-the-art research that contributes to the ever growing health potential of individuals and communities across the life course. The institute concentrates its research efforts in nine research programs in which 1,900+ researchers from multidisciplinary disciplines are brought together.
Upcoming Events
APH Onboarding Meeting (Oct 15, 2024)
Other The Amsterdam Public Health research institute organizes onboarding meetings for new APH researchers.
Bridge for impact (Health~Holland)
Congress & symposium An event focused on networking as well as providing you with hands-on information and connections to help your venture move forward.
Learning path: Valorisation and Impact
Other Have you ever thought about the impact your research or idea could have outside academia? Would you like to explore how you can increase the impact you are already making? IXA offers a new learning path on valorisation and impact.