To do:

At the start of your PhD trajectory, you should register at the Doctoral School, after which the Hora Finita key-userof the applicable research institute will create an account for you in Hora Finita. You should have done so within three months after employment

Necessary documents:

Find more information on Hora Finita on the VU Amsterdam website


Note: Check the specific requirements to the Doctorate Regulations VU (see 'Downloads' below)

Note: External PhD candidates have the same rights and obligations as internal PhD candidates. They likewise have to submit their personnel data in Hora Finita, including a Training plan, as soon as they start the PhD trajectory

External PhD candidates also have to meet the 30 ECTS requirement as otherwise they will not be allowed to take their degree. In case they apply for exemption from education, this must be approved by the Doctorate Board of the relevant research institute

Note: If you hold a Dutch Master's degree it is sufficient to upload a DUO certificate

If you hold a foreign Master's degree, the pdf can be uploaded in Hora Finita. It is not necessary to have a foreign Master's degree certified by the Beadle's Office VU. Please note that the diploma is drawn up in NL, FR, DU or ENG. If not, it must have been translated by a sworn translator

If you do not hold a Dutch or foreign Master's degree you need an exemption (see Request for exemption)

Note: Bear in mind that emails, sent by Hora Finita, might be collected in your spam folder. You can prevent this by adding to your so-called 'safe senders'. Or check your spam folder regularly. If applicable: please alert persons from outside Amsterdam UMC involved with your PhD trajectory to this fact


Files uploaded in Hora Finita will be scanned for viruses. A few moments after uploading the document, this process starts. If a virus is detected, the file will be overwritten with a file, stating that a virus has been detected. The user will receive an email, provided he/she is known to the system and the emailaddress is valid
