The esophageal research team of the department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
The endoscopic imaging research line focusses on the endoscopic detection of early neoplasia in Barrett’s esophagus including computer assisted detection. Dr Jeroen de Groof, MD PhD is the leading post-doc and there are currently 6 PhD fellows working on this project.
The Barrett’s surveillance and biomarker research line is led by Dr. Lucas Duits, MD, PhD and focusses on optimizing and reducing Barrett’s surveillance and implementing biomarker risk prediction. There are currently 4 PhD fellows working on this project.
Jacques Bergman
The endoscopic treatment of upper GI neoplasia is run by Dr Roos Pouw, MD PhD. Here we investigate the optimal use of endoscopic resection and ablation for early upper GI neoplasia with a special focus on expanding endoscopic management of T1b cancers. There are currently 4 PhD fellows working on several projects.
The team closely collaborates with professor Peter de With and Dr Fons van der Sommen of the Video Coding and Architectures group of the Technical University Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Dr Matt Stachler, University of California San Franscisco, Dr Marjanka Schmidt, National Cancer Institute, AvL, the Netherlands, the Dutch Barrett Expert center Consortium, the Dutch Barrett surveillance consortium, and the BONS-AI consortium.
The esophageal research team currently consists of three interventional endoscopists, seventeen clinical research fellows, three research nurses, and 2 physician assistants.
Group members
Prof. Dr. Jacques Bergman, professor of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Deputy Chair of the department of Gastroenterology &Hepatology
Dr. Roos Pouw, Associate professor and Deputy Chair of the department of Gastroenterology &Hepatology
Dr. Lucas Duits, Assistant professor, leader of the Barrett surveillance and Biomarkers research line
Dr. Jeroen de Groof, MD PhD, leader of the imaging and machine learning research line
Wilda Rosmolen, nurse-specialist
Nancy vdr Hoorn, nurse specialist
Patricia de Koning, physician assistants
Carin Kluiver, physician assistant
Eva Verheij, PhD-fellow therapeutic research line
Man-Wai Chan, PhD-fellow therapeutic research line
Vincent Bos, PhD-fellow therapeutic research line
Lisanne Pattynama, PhD-fellow therapeutic research line
Jelmer Jukema, PhD-fellow imaging and machine learning research line
Martijn Jong, PhD-fellow imaging and machine learning research line
Rixta van Eijck van Hesslinga, PHD-fellow imaging and machine learning research line
Amir Khoshiwal, PhD-fellow Barrett surveillance and Biomarkers research line
Nicola Freij, PhD-fellow Barrett surveillance and Biomarkers research line
Pim Stougie, PhD-fellow Barrett surveillance and Biomarkers research line
Maartje Houben, PhD-fellow Barrett surveillance and Biomarkers research line
Barrett esophagus | Esophageal adenocarcinoma | Endoscopic therapy | Machine learning | Biomarkers