Reproducibility of the results

  • WMO
  • Non-WMO

Journals require that the results that are presented in the article or manuscript can always be reproduced. It is recommended that for each manuscript that is submitted for publication, all underlying datasets, selections, methods and syntaxes/scripts are organised in a digital folder containing:

  • The ‘raw’ data files (data exports)
  • The definitive pre-processed data (data files that were used for statistical and other analyses)
  • All information and/or every script that is needed in order to proceed from the raw data to the definitive dataset
  • A list of subjects who were screened and excluded, with code numbers and reasons for exclusion
  • Annotated syntaxes/scripts of the statistical analyses, including the name and location of the relevant data file
  • The statistical output, as stated in the manuscript
  • The final submitted manuscript, the rebuttals and the revised manuscripts.