Internal support is provided to the personal Dekker grants of the Dutch Heart Foundation in order to increase the quality and the success rate of the proposals. This support is provided to Amsterdam UMC cardiovascular researchers and is coordinated by the Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support together with the Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences research institute.

Internal support

The Dutch Heart Foundation awards personal Dekker grants to support clinical and non-clinical researchers in different stages of their careers. Seven Dekker grants are supported by internal support.

1. Postdoc grant (for 2 to 3 years)
2. Senior Scientist grant (4 years)
3. Established Investigator grant (5 years)
4. Clinical Established Investigator grant (5 years)

As of November 2021, a pilot has started with extending the internal support services to the clinical Dekker grants :

5. Junior Clinical Scientist grant (for 1 to 2 years)
6. Clinical Scientist grant (3 years)
7. Senior Clinical Scientist grant (4 years)

Overview Dutch Heart Foundation Dekker grants in support Overview Dutch Heart Foundation Dekker grants in support

For more information and additional eligibility criteria, visit the Heart Foundation website.

Upcoming deadlines

Visit the Heart Foundation intranet page (internal link, only accessible for Amsterdam UMC researchers) for an up to date overview of upcoming deadlines for internal support.

Support group members

Prof. dr. J.J. (Jan) Piek (Chair)
Prof. dr. V.M. (Vincent) Christoffels
Prof. dr. C.R. (Connie) Bezzina
Prof. dr. E.S.G. (Erik) Stroes
Prof. dr. J.P. (José) Henriques
Prof. dr. M.G. (Marc) Vervloet
Prof. dr. H.J. (Harm Jan) Bogaard
Prof. dr. P.L. (Peter) Hordijk
Prof. dr. J.D. (Jan) Blankensteijn

More information?

Visit the Heart Foundation intranet page (internal link, only accessible for Amsterdam UMC researchers) or send an email to Anne-Lieke van Deijk via