The AGEM research institute is led by the AGEM directorate, consisting of two directors and two policy officers representing both locations of Amsterdam UMC.

Decisions are made together with the AGEM research board, consisting of approximately 9 senior scientists across AGEM's three research programs. Additionally, AGEM is supported by a Business Developer, a junior board (Young AGEM) and several committees. The organization is visualized in the following figure.

AGEM Directorate

Picture of Anita Boelen

Anita Boelen, PhD

Co-director AGEM Research Institute

Amsterdam UMC, location: AMC
Endocrine laboratory, Department of Clinical Chemistry

AGEM director Nanne de Boer

Nanne de Boer, MD, PhD

Co-director AGEM Research Institute

Amsterdam UMC, location: VUmc
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Research board

The AGEM research board consists of approximately nine senior AGEM researchers, at least one representative from each of the AGEM research programs. The research board meets approximately once per two months with the AGEM directors and policy officers to discuss AGEM policy. More information can be found here.

Young AGEM

The Young AGEM board consists of a diverse group of researchers: both clinical and translational/basic science researchers, from different departments of both Amsterdam UMC locations, in various stages of their career: from young post-doctoral researcher to assistant professor.

They aim to support PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers (early-mid career researchers) in several ways, for example by organizing scientific and network events. If you have any questions about your role or your possibilities within AGEM as a Young AGEM researcher, you can send an email to

Young AGEM member Signe Nielsen

Signe Mosegaard Nielsen

I am a postdoctoral Fellow at the Laboratory Genetic Metabolic Diseases. My research focuses on the development of stem cell derived models for rare inherited metabolic diseases and using these to detect novel disease mechanisms and testing alternative treatment strategies. 

Young AGEM member Patrick de Jonge

Patrick de Jonge

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the department of experimental vascular medicine, where I started after obtaining my PhD from Utrecht University in 2020. My main research focus are viruses of microbes called bacteriophages and how they interact with bacterial populations in the human gut.

Young AGEM member Alicia Furumaya

Alicia Furumaya

I received my PhD degree at the Department of Surgery on benign liver tumours and cysts, in which field I am still active as a researcher. I am currently working as a medical doctor working at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Alkmaar.

Young AGEM member Bruno Sovran

Bruno Sovran

I am a senior scientist working within the AGEM in Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research and Pediatric Surgery Department. In AGEM, I lead research around the role of Tryptophan metabolism in (pediatric) intestinal health and disease. I was recently appointed assistant professor at the Emma Centre for Personalized Medicine to carry on research on paediatric intestinal failures.

Young AGEM board member Anne van der Spek

Anne van der Spek

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Endocrinology, focusing on (autoimmune) thyroid disease and thyroid hormone action. Besides my research I am also a medical doctor specializing in internal medicine and endocrinology.  


Retreat committee:

Committee existing of Manon Wildenberg, Eva Dirkx-Beuling, Valentina Bravo and 6-10 PhD candidates and postdocs from different departments. You can reach the committee via

PhD candidate course committee:

Annemieke Heijboer, Hilde Herrema, Eva Dirkx-Beuling, Valentina Bravo.

Tager lecture committee:

Noam Zelcer, Riekelt Houtkooper, Eveline Bruinstroop, Susanne La Fleur.

AGEM name change

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