Fueling the body’s machinery
Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism aims to improve gastrointestinal, endocrine and metabolic health and reduce the burden of major illnesses that affect our society.
Upcoming events
AGEM symposium: "(Dis)balances in androgens throughout life"
Congress & symposium AGEM symposium on (dis)balances in androgens throughout life, specifically on the effects on metabolism and fertility, featuring Amsterdam UMC researchers as well as renowned scientists beyond Amsterdam UMC.
Amsterdam Kinder Symposium 2025
Congress & symposium On January 31rd 2025, the “Amsterdam Kinder Symposium” will take place at the DeLaMar Theater in Amsterdam.
Translational Immunology meeting - Dr. Joep Grootjans
Lecture & speech The department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology kindly invites you to the Translational Immunology meeting. The TRIM meeting is an Amsterdam UMC-wide platform where both pre-clinical and clinical immunological research is presented to facilitate discussions and stimulate collaborations between institutes.