Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism
AGEM events
EpidM- cursus: Scientific Data Visualization: Tables and Graphs That Work
Other This half-day course intends to put the student on the right track to obtain the necessary skills. It consists of about 4 hours of pre-course preparatory homework, followed by 4 hours of group work and interactive lectures. Students prepare by familiarizing themselves with the necessary software; they also submit a table, graph (or both) from prior work.
Young AGEM event: "Alternative Careers"
Lecture & speech On January 14th from 17:30-20.30, Young AGEM will be organizing their second event: "Alternative Careers"!
Amsterdam Kinder Symposium 2025
Congress & symposium On January 31rd 2025, the “Amsterdam Kinder Symposium” will take place at the DeLaMar Theater in Amsterdam.
AGEM Tager lecture: Ana Domingos
Lecture & speech Annual seminar series on metabolism, featuring Amsterdam UMC researchers as well as renowned scholars beyond Amsterdam UMC.
AGEM symposium: "(Dis)balances in androgens throughout life"
Congress & symposium AGEM symposium on (dis)balances in androgens throughout life, specifically on the effects on metabolism and fertility, featuring Amsterdam UMC researchers as well as renowned scientists beyond Amsterdam UMC.
Annual AGEM Retreat 2025
Congress & symposium Join us for the Annual AGEM retreat of 2025!