Theme Patient perspective in screening during pregnancy and childbirth
Target audience Researchers
Language Dutch


EKZ Grand Rounds by Lidewij Henneman on patient perspective in screening during pregnancy and childbirth.

We would like to invite you to the next EKZ Grand Rounds in Pediatric Research on Thursday, November 14, 2024.

This Grand Rounds will be presented by Prof. Dr. Lidewij Henneman. Lidewij is a professor of Patient Perspective in Genetic Testing at the Department of Human Genetics at Amsterdam UMC.

The title of her presentation is: Patient Perspective in Screening During Pregnancy and Childbirth.

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Lidewij Henneman

Date and Location

Time From 08:30 to 09:00
Start date Thursday, November 14, 2024
Location AMC Collegezaal 4
You can also follow online: Follow online

Costs and registration

Free of charge and registration not needed.
