Launch your career
Target audience
PhD candidates in their 3rd or 4th year of their trajectory
This course helps you to prepare for your professional future, wherever it may be. It gives you clarity in who you are, your competencies and your ambition. The second part of the course gives you practical tools to help you fulfil your ambitions and to find a job inside or outside academia. At the end of the course you will have developed a realistic action plan for yourself. You will have learned skills to execute that plan and submitted your first contacts/applications to potential employers.
A workshop of 3 hours and intervision session of 2 hours. 2 hours assignment to prepare for the course.
A workshop of 3 hours and intervision session of 2 hours. 2 hours assignment to prepare for the course.
Date and Location
From 09:30 to 13:00
Start date
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Edition 1: 30 January 2025 (workshop), 25 or 27 March 2025 (intervision)
Costs and registration
Please enroll for this course by using the link on the SDB Leerplatform.