What’s in it for you?
APH Junified 2022 provides you with an inspiring keynote and empowering workshops with tools to survive the complex life as an early or midcareer researcher. Moreover, the event provides an excellent opportunity to network and meet other APH researchers.
We kick off at 13:30 hours with an inspiring keynote by ex-special forces Dai Carter during the plenary session. After this, we will have an intermezzo with a fun networking activity. During this intermezzo you can visit the Pure information stand to ask all your questions concerning your Pure profile. Later in the afternoon, you have the possibility to attend a workshop of your choice. NB: all workshops have a maximum number of attendees.
Workshop A - 'Lifestyle and Stress' – Eva Cornet (max. 45)
Workshop B - 'Performing under Pressure: How to keep enjoying the writing process?' – Thijs Wagenaar (this workshop is fully booked (max. 30))
Workshop C - 'Impact with Science' – Liesbeth Smit (max. 45)
We wrap up the event with a short informative lecture about how to optimize the content and exposure of your Pure researchers profile. On top of that we announce the winners of the ‘Boost your Pure profile challenge’ (see more information below). We end the day with each other with drinks and appetizers.
See below more information about the challenge, keynote speaker and workshops.
Challenge: Boost your Pure profile
For the visibility of you as a researcher and your research and to strengthen your network it is essential to have your Pure profile complete and up to date. To support and stimulate this, we set a challenge for all participants of Junified 2022. We challenge you to write a researcher’s biography describing you and your research, that can be used on different platforms like Pure, ResearchGate, LinkedIn etc. If you submit a researcher’s bio, you will receive a ticket to get a professional portrait picture during a photo shoot at the event on June 21. Moreover, you also have the chance to be selected for the Top 3 researcher’s biographies, which means there are also prizes to win! More information on the procedure will follow soon after you've registered for the event.
Keynote presentation

The Importance of Mental Strength – Dai Carter
Dai Carter (born 1989) has Dutch and British parents - hence the name - and has served in the Royal Netherlands Army for thirteen years, the last ten of which in the Dutch Special Forces Regiment. He completed multiple secret missions in various war-zones, including Afghanistan, Mali and many he is not allowed to name. Dai is also author of a bestseller: 'Nu of Nooit'. The book focusses on Dai’s life in the special forces and through his personal stories, he makes a clear link to building mental strength. He gives the reader a seriously considered and honest answer to questions like, “How on earth can someone function under those circumstances”? He does this by using his own definition of mental strength: “Mental strength consists of all physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual skills and processes that positively influence your consciousness”.

Lifestyle and Stress – Eva Cornet (Fit met Eva)
Junior researchers regularly experience stress during their research journey. The goal of the workshop is to give insight in how stress and lifestyle are connected and concrete tools on how to better deal with this work stress and to plan more short moments of relaxation. During the workshop, the participants will make a personal plan to reduce their own stress level.
Eva Cornet works as a lifestyle coach to help people to make healthier choices about their diet, sleep, stress and physical activities. She used to work in communications at Amsterdam UMC and after a burn-out in 2016 she decided to make a change in her lifestyle and career. After a second education she started her company Fit met Eva in 2019. Eva loves to run and to do crossfit and she lives with her husband, two sons and two rescue dogs in Haarlem.
Performing under Pressure: How to keep enjoying the writing process? –Thijs Wagenaar (YAAP)
In this workshop we will discuss what it means to enjoy something and why it is important to give specific attention to joy if you want to perform in a sustainable way. We will practice with some practical tools to get more enjoyment out of your personal writing process.
Thijs is a sport and performance psychologist at YAAP. There he focuses on how we can facilitate the development of talent in sports and on how to help athletes perform and maintain the enjoyment in sports.
Impact with Science – Liesbeth Smit (TheOnlineScientist)
In this fast-paced lecture, we cover all aspects of science communication. How can a clear message and creative design help you create more impact? And what are the ingredients to make your work stand out? With lots of practical tips to improve your presentations and posters and a showcase of the many creative ways you can get your message out into the world.
Liesbeth Smit makes science sexy. After a career in nutrition science at Harvard School of Public Health and VU University Amsterdam, she founded her company The Online Scientist. In the last ten years she’s created dozens of creative websites, infographics, animated videos & interactive storytelling campaigns for researchers who want to make an impact.