The Amsterdam Reproduction and Development (AR&D) Travel Grant enables young AR&D researchers to go abroad for a working visit to a foreign research group or to attend a conference. This grant funds conference visits (maximum €1000) or working visits (maximum €2500) in the field of reproduction and development. In this year’s travel grant round (2025-2026), we are looking for applications that keep sustainability in mind, meaning that when traveling cannot be done in the most sustainable way, we are looking for thorough statements as to why the conference or working visit is indispensable. In this way, we encourage researchers to make more sustainable choices.

Eligibility requirements

The following criteria must be met to be eligible for the AR&D Travel Grant:

  1. Each applicant can submit only one proposal for AR&D Travel Grant 2025-2026. Applicants who received an AR&D Travel Grant in 2024 may not submit a new application this year.
  2. The applicant and the supervisor must be affiliated with AR&D (as shown by PURE profile). The applicant should be employed at Amsterdam UMC or at affiliated universities (UvA or VU). Junior researchers, research nurses, PhD students and postdocs (who obtained their PhD no longer than 3 years ago at the time of grant deadline) are eligible to apply. Bachelor students, master students or student assistants are not eligible to apply.
  3. When visiting a conference or working visit abroad, a clear travel plan should be added to ensure the most sustainable travel possible (e.g. by train). If the conference or working visit can only be reached by plane, a clear argument must be made as to why it is necessary to attend this conference or working visit.
  4. Working visits require a letter of support from the contact person of the relevant institution.
  5. This grant can only be used for the proposed conference or working visit.
  6. Only visits between 1 May 2025 and 1 May 2026 are eligible.
  7. This grant funds conference visits (maximum €1000.-) or working visits (maximum €2500.-) in the field of human reproduction and development (see mission AR&D website). It includes, but is not restricted to: fundamental, translational, clinical science and public health research.
  8. Proposals for working visits should have a clear research question or objective. Proposals for conference visits should include an accepted (preferably oral/poster presentation), submitted or to-be submitted abstract.
  9. Proposals should be written in concise English understandable to a researcher in a neighboring science field.
  10. The applicant has to be available to attend the award ceremony on Thursday 19th of June 2025 or send someone in their place.
  11. All awarded proposals are obliged to send a final report on the visit within 3 months after the visit to AR&D office for approval.

Please convert the completed application form to a PDF file and email your application in one combined PDF-file to AR&D (


The application form can be downloaded here:

Please send the application form as a PDF file to before 23 March 2025, 13:00 pm.

Note: In case of a working visit, include a letter of support from the contact person of the relevant institution as an attachment to this application form.

Submission deadline

The deadline for submission is 23 March 2025, 13:00 pm.

Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

Selection procedure

The submitted proposals will be assessed by an independent committee.

Before 1 May 2025 all applicants will receive notification by e-mail from AR&D whether they have been selected for a travel grant.

Final report

All awarded proposals are obliged to send a final report on the visit within 3 months after the visit to AR&D office for approval.

Time line


    For questions contact AR&D (