Hora Finita is the PhD tracking system for VUmc PhD candidates. The system arranges the registation, agreements, trainingplan and the defence. Every VUmc PhD candidate has to devote at least 30 EC to training and education during their PhD trajectory.

Hora Finita registration

The registration for new PhD trajectories for VUmc PhD candidates is initiated by the research institute. Once registered with the Doctoral School as a PhD candidate with AGEM,
the AGEM Hora Finita key user is automatically informed and will register you
in Hora Finita by creating an account.

After AGEM has created an account, you are invited to complete the additional information including your Training plan (down load available below). After you completed your details of your PhD it will be assessed by all the various actors involved (promotor, co-promotor, research institute, Deans office etc.) with the final approval of the Rector Magnificus of the Vrije Universiteit.

Once every actor approved your PhD details, the registration is converted to a PhD program and you will get access to Hora Finita and track and log your education activities. Furthermore, your PhD trajectory will be visible in the HF dashboard of your promotor.

AGEM Training Plan

According to article 15 Doctorate Regulations VU University Amsterdam 2022 the PhD candidate (starting after April 2015) shall devote at least 30 EC (840 hours) to training. Please be aware that without having devoted these 30 EC you will not be admitted to the PhD ceremony, even when the thesis committee has submitted a positive advice on your dissertation.

Anyone wishing to obtain a PhD at VUmc must fill out the required information and draw up a Training Plan at the start of their trajectory and apply this for approval to AGEM. This also applies to physician-researchers (arts-onderzoeker) and other medical employees who are pursuing their PhD alongside their regular work.

Do you have any questions about Hora Finita or your Training plan?
Please contact the AGEM Hora Finita key user (agem.horafinita@amc.uva.nl)