The Amsterdam Public Health research institute offers different tools for researchers, including relevant questionnaires and books, the APH Quality handbook and the AVG checklist.

Questionnaires and books

Four Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ)

The 4DSQ developed by Berend Terluin is a self-rating questionnaire measuring four dimensions of common psychopathology: distress, depression, anxiety and somatization. The 4DSQ was developed in general practice. The principal aim of the 4DSQ is to distinguish between stress-related syndromes (denoted as ‘stress’, ‘burnout’, ‘nervous breakdown’ or in Dutch ‘overspanning’ or ‘surmenage’) and psychiatric disorders (i.e. depression and anxiety disorders).

Short Depression Interview (SDI) 

The Short Depression Interview (SDI) developed by Berend Terluin is an interview designed for primary care physicians to diagnose major depression according to the DSM-IV criteria. Also, the SDI is suitable to diagnose major depression ("ernstige depressie") according to the criteria of the Dutch College of General Practitioners (Nederlands Huisartsengenootschap; NHG). Find here more information about the SDI. 

Book: Applied longitudinal data analysis for epidemiology

In this book (author Jos Twisk), the most important techniques available for longitudinal data analysis are discussed. This includes simple techniques such as the paired t-test, summary statistic, and the (M)ANOVA for repeated measurements, as well as more sophisticated techniques such as generalized estimating equations (GEE) and random coefficient analysis. A distinction is made between longitudinal analysis with continuous, dichotomous and categorical outcome variables. The emphasis of the discussion lies in the interpretation of the results of different techniques. Furthermore, special chapters deal with the analysis of two measurements, experimental studies and the problem of missing data in longitudinal studies. Finally, an extensive overview (and a comparison between) different software packages is provided. This practical guide is suitable for non-statisticians and researchers working with longitudinal data from epidemiological and clinical studies.

Book: Applied Multilevel Analysis

This is a practical introduction (author Jos Twisk) to multilevel analysis, suitable for non-mathematical researchers. Most books on multilevel analysis are written by statisticians, and they focus on the mathematical background, making them difficult for non-mathematical researchers. In contrast, this volume provides an accessible account of the application of multilevel analysis in research. It addresses the practical issues that confront those undertaking research and wanting to find the correct answers to research questions. Many examples, with computer output, are given to illustrate and explain this subject. Datasets of the examples are available on the Internet, so the reader can re-analyze the data. This approach will help to bridge the conceptual and communication gap that exists between those undertaking research and statisticians.

APH Quality Handbook

The APH Quality Handbook contains guidelines for a wide variety of topics, covering your research project from the start to the finish. Consult the Handbook for information and guidelines about scientific integrity, privacy, documentation and the research life cycle in order to improve the quality of your research.

AVG Checklist

Important topics in the new privacy regulation ‘Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming’ (May 25, 2018, GDPR) are translated into an AVG Checklist (in Dutch) with links to the relevant information and useful examples. This checklist can be used to check whether your project(s) comply with the AVG/GDPR, and to find shortcuts to relevant information.