We are happy to announce that as of upcoming Dutch Heart Foundation Dekker round, a pilot has started with extending the internal support services to the clinical Dekker grants. The new Dekker round for the Postdoc, Senior Scientist, Clinical Scientist and Senior Clinical Scientist Dekker grants is open. It is now possible to register for the internal support for these four Dekker grants. Amsterdam UMC researchers who are performing research in the cardiovascular field can apply for support till November 29, 2021.

The Dutch Heart Foundation awards personal Dekker grants to support clinical and non-clinical researchers in different stages of their careers. Internal support is provided to researchers from both locations of Amsterdam UMC (AMC and VUmc). This support is coordinated by the Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support together with the ACS research institute.

Internal support for seven Heart Foundation Dekker grants

Internal support was already available for the Postdoc, Senior Scientist, Established Investigator, Clinical Established Investigator grant. This Dekker round a pilot has started with extending the internal support services to the clinical Dekker grants (Junior Clinical Scientist, Clinical Scientist and Senior Clinical Scientist grant). Prof. José Henriques, Prof. Marc Vervloet, Prof. Peter Hordijk and Prof. Jan Blankensteijn joined the support group, which allows us to provide support to all seven Heart Foundation Dekker grants for cardiovascular researchers.

Registration compulsory internal support

The upcoming Dekker call for the Postdoc, Senior Scientist, Clinical Scientist and Senior Clinical Scientist grants is now open. External deadline is 8 February 2022, 14:00 hrs. To register for internal support, please fill out the pre-application form below and send it no later than Monday 29 November 2021 to the Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support: rgs@amsterdamumc.nl.


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