Amsterdam Movement Sciences
AMS events
Amsterdam Cohort Hub webinar March
Lecture & speech Every four weeks, ACH organizes a webinar to present our cohort-studies and discuss themes relevant for cohort studies, their staff and researchers.
PhD Graduation Ted van Iersel
PhD Graduation Patient centered management of anterior shoulder instability
8th AMS Annual Research Meeting
Congress & symposium 8th AMS Annual Research Meeting
1st ReLab Tour of 2025
Other Join us on the first ReLab Tour of 2025, and delve into some of the measurements taking place at the department of Rehabilitation Medicine at AUMC.
PhD Graduation Pim Koolwijk
PhD Graduation Movement Matters: Exploring the dynamics of motor competence development in early childhood
Amsterdam Cohort Hub webinar April
Lecture & speech Every four weeks, ACH organizes a webinar to present our cohort-studies and discuss themes relevant for cohort studies, their staff and researchers.
MSG Symposium: Pain in perspective
Congress & symposium We would like to meet you at our MSG Science Network Physiotherapy Symposium with the topic: Pain in perspective. NOTE: Advance registration!
Mini-symposium on the occasion of Sidney Rubinstein's inauguration
Congress & symposium You are warmly invited to join the mini-symposium ahead of professor Rubinstein's inaugural lecture.
Inaugural lecture Sidney Rubinstein
Inaugural Lecture Make sure you save-this-date in your agenda, you don't want to miss professor Rubinstein's inaugural lecture titled Balans in Beweging: Naar Optimalisatie van de Zorg and the mini-symposium in advance.
PhD Graduation Chantal Hulshof
PhD Graduation Plantar tissue stress in people with diabetes: A biomechanical and behavioural perspective on foot ulceration