Connecting the people, the science and the brain
The Amsterdam Neuroscience research institute performs integrated basic, translational and clinical research in order to improve our understanding of the human brain and nervous system in health and disease. Researchers and clinicians from different institutes in Amsterdam collaborate to strengthen the scientific excellence in this area, making Amsterdam Neuroscience one of the largest neuroscience communities in Europe.
Upcoming events
PhD Defense Dimitrios Karkalousos
PhD Graduation PhD Defense Dimitrios Karkalousos, Deep multitask learning for accelerating Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Inaugural lecture of dr. W. Scheper
Inaugural Lecture Inaugural lecture of dr. W. Scheper. Balance and Resilience: Lessons from Brain Cells
PhD Defense Jan Bogers
PhD Graduation PhD Defense Jan Bogers, Antipsychotic intervention in treatment-resistant schizophrenia