About Research Grant Support
Targeted grant support services are catered to the specific needs of Amsterdam UMC applicants applying to e.g. EU funding programmes, prestigious national consortium grants (e.g. NWA) and the NWO Talent Programme as well as other prestigious ‘talent’ grants.

Links to public research funding agencies: NWO | ZonMw | Dutch Heart Foundation | European Research Council (ERC) | European Commission (EC) | KWF (Dutch Cancer Society)
Contact details
The Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support team provides up-to-date knowledge and expertise to attract appropriate research funding. The grant advisors support grant applications from Amsterdam UMC researchers on many national and international grant schemes and funds.
- Contact via email: rgs@amsterdamumc.nl
The RGS team
Domain Lead Research Grant Support: Isabelle Wartelle
Secretariat: Karen Bond
NWO Talent Scheme: Renske van Dijk, Bart Jordi
ZonMw grants: Harm van Baar
European Research Council (ERC) grants: Renske van Dijk, Bart Jordi, Ayla Kempers
Consortium grants (NL/EU): Silvia Calpe, Simone de Jong, Ayla Kempers, Brenda Olivier, Kimberley Rentner, Maartje de Snoo
Internal grants: Simone de Jong
Project management: Silvia Calpe, Laura Manca, Lara Martin-Sanchez, Madalena Nunes Monteiro, Kimberley Rentner
The Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support office supports Amsterdam UMC researchers with the preparation of their Horizon Europe grant applications. Contact the EU Grant Advisors of Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support (RGS) for more information about call topics and application support via rgs@amsterdamumc.nl.
We offer support from idea to project management.
Support by RGS includes:
- feasibility & risk assessment of the fit of your project idea in the call text;
- possible links with consortia and networking;
- stakeholder analysis;
- strategic advice;
- possible internal pre-acquisition project management to be discussed;
- and reviews and templates for the proposal development.
PIC Stichting Amsterdam UMC
Since 1 January 2024, AMC and Stichting VUmc have legally merged into Stichting Amsterdam UMC.
PIC#: 919322739
Organisation name: Stichting Amsterdam UMC
Acronym: AUMC
Amsterdam UMC Postdoc Career Bridging Grant
This postdoc position gives Amsterdam UMC Principal Investigators the opportunity to attract talented early career researchers from outside the Amsterdam UMC. The researcher is (or will be) embedded in a research group of a principal investigator (PI) at Amsterdam UMC. The position gives candidates the opportunity to strengthen their academic profile by generating scientific and societal impact with a view of improving chances of obtaining future EU (MSCA-PF, ERC StG) or national (NWO Veni) personal grants. The grant amounts to a maximum of € 125,000, with a maximum of € 100,000 to cover salary for a minimum duration of 1 year and a maximum of € 25,000 to cover other costs (for example; training, consumables, outreach activities).
The Consortium Coordination Support (CCS) grant
The CCS grant is for Amsterdam UMC researchers who want to coordinate a European collaborative project in the Horizon Europe programme. This internal grant aims to provide extensive tailor-made support during the application stage to prepare a full stage proposal for Horizon Europe calls.
MSCA DN arrangement
A PhD program in the Netherlands usually takes four years, Amsterdam UMC supports the fourth year of PhD candidates with € 50k in direct funding. In 2024, this will be supplemented by another € 60k per doctoral candidate for Horizon Europe projects with the aim of continuing to stimulate applications for the MSCA DN program in Horizon Europe.
Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support can also inform you of the process for obtaining the mandatory approval and signed letter of commitment from the board of directors for most grants (requiring institutional co-funding).
Every document that is signed on behalf of the board of directors, has to be reviewed for compliance with legal, fiscal and financial requirements. Allow at least 10 working days to check your proposal thoroughly.
It is advisable to provide a first draft proposal to the RGS team at least one month before the deadline.
Please see this document for instructions concerning the signing procedures of embedding guarantee letters for NWO Veni or Vidi grants and Host Institution letters fer ERC grants.
Sustainability in healthcare research
RGS aims to inform and support Amsterdam UMC researchers looking to incorporate environmental sustainability in their work. More information is collected in the Green Pages and infosheets in collaboration with the Amsterdam UMC Center for Sustainable Healthcare. Networking events take place on a regular basis and an annual internal grant for research projects in environmental sustainability is available here.
Yellow Pages is the weekly newsletter of Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support (RGS). It is published on Thursdays and contains announcements about internal support, grant opportunities, scientific meetings/workshops and other activities related to research. Researchers with an Amsterdam UMC e-mail address can subscribe for the newsletter by sending an e-mail. Input for Yellow Pages can be sent to the RGS secretariat on Mondays before 12.00 hours.
More information: AMC Intranet - Yellow Pages
The Green Pages is an online supplement to the grants newsletter Yellow Pages. It is a collaborative effort of RGS and the Center for Sustainable Healthcare with the aim to inform the research community at Amsterdam UMC about news, initiatives and opportunities regarding sustainable healthcare, performing sustainable research, and research into sustainability.
More information: AMC Intranet - Green Pages
Diversity and inclusion
Read about Diversity and inclusion in Amsterdam UMC
Awarded grants
See here for an overview of Amsterdam UMC's awarded grants