Research analytics

Unlock the power of research analytics for enhanced performance!

Discover a world of possibilities with our cutting-edge research analytics services, also known as bibliometric analysis. Imagine gaining invaluable insights into the performance and impact of your academic research discipline or staying ahead of trends in your field. The first step in doing this is checking if you have an up to date Pure and ORCiD profile.

Next, we are here to answer crucial questions that drive your success by using SciVal, Altmetric or depending on the question other analytic tools and databases.

We can help you to:

  • Identify lucrative opportunities: uncover new fields for groundbreaking research and stay at the forefront of innovation.

  • Optimize publication success: find the perfect journal for your publication, ensuring maximum visibility and impact.

  • Connect with industry leaders: identify active researchers in your field and explore collaboration opportunities for your next research project.

  • Harness advanced visualization: map your research topic with precision using state-of-the-art visualization methods, giving you a competitive edge.

  • Elevate departmental performance: gauge your department's standing in high-impact journals and amplify its influence in the academic landscape.

Our expert team is ready to assist you, whether you are looking for basic collaboration partner analyses, in-depth examinations of research topics and trends or online attention (i.e. X, blogs and policy documents) . Let's elevate your research or policy journey together – schedule a discussion with us to explore the endless possibilities! Contact us:

Keyword map based on Amsterdam UMC affiliated publications from 2023. Graph shows the interaction between terms and cluster domains (yellow, green, red and blue).

Keyword map displaying the total link strength between keywords, ranging from high (red) to low (blue). Results are based on the ‘the Netherlands’ associated corresponding addresses in Amsterdam UMC affiliated publications from 2023.  (Source: Scopus)