Data storage and management

There are several platforms for storing and managing data both during and after studies. These platforms all have different features and pricing models.

In addition to the network drives for VIEW/CDW/OneVIEW (G:\ H:\ and N:\ M:\) and SharePoint, you can use ResearchDrive, iRODS/YoDa and ‘Data archief’.

ResearchDrive is a cloud storage facility that is hosted by SURF and that lets researchers share files with their peers within and beyond Amsterdam UMC. From ResearchDrive, files can be moved to a local working environment for analysis.

iRODS/YoDa consists of two layers. iRODS works with a command line interface. YoDa is a user-friendly interface on top of iRODS. Combining both lets you store data and provide them with metadata in accordance with a predefined metadata scheme. Combining data with metadata is an important step in making data FAIR. Both iRODS and YoDa are hosted for Amsterdam UMC by SURF.

‘Data archief’ can be used to store research data after the conclusion of a study. If a number of preconditions are met (including documentation, name), study data can be stored at Amsterdam UMC’s expense after the conclusion of the study.

The RDM helpdesk can provide advice on these services and on choosing and accessing the right platform.