
  • WMO
  • Non-WMO

Biobank research is research concerning remains of body material that has been collected as part of regular treatment (residual material), material that is additionally collected for diagnostics, material specially collected from patients or volunteers and material that is made available by involved parties.

"A biobank is a collection of human tissue that is brought together for scientific purposes or treatment, together with medical and/or genetic and/or genealogical and/or other data from the donors."

Examples of biobank collections are:

  • Clinical data (patient records);
  • Genetic data (blood, tissue);
  • Metabolic data (blood, tissue, urine);
  • Genealogical data (family tree);
  • Lifestyle and environmental data (questionnaires).

Handling data

When conducting biobank research, always use the code of conduct for handling human tissue for scientific research (Federa: Code Goed Gebruik).

Types of biobanks

There are three types of biobanks:

1. Further use biobank:

Collections of preserved human tissue collected during diagnostics or treatment (residual material) without a specific research question.

2. Novo biobank
When body material is collected especially for research, this is referred to as a novo biobank. Written informed consent is required from the participants in these biobanks.

  • Population biobank:
    Biobank with materials collected from a population that is followed over a longer period of time (e.g. 10 years or longer)
  • Clinical biobank:The idea behind clinical biobanks is that by studying these materials, researchers can get a better picture of the disease. Certainly when they can compare the materials with those of people who do not suffer from the disease (ie materials from a population or further use biobank).

For further information see Biomedisch onderzoek in Nederland | Biobanken Nederland

Amsterdam UMC biobanks

Within Amsterdam UMC, collections of body materials for scientific research are established and preserved in almost all departments. Amsterdam UMC aims to establish department-wide or disease-specific biobanks. These biobanks may include specific biobank protocols. The responsibility for the human tissue and data in the biobank lies with the head of the department that initiated the establishment of the biobank.

If you want to set up a biobank or make use of an already existing biobank you need to have your apllication assessed by the central Biobank Assessment Committee (in Dutch: Commissie Toetsing Biobanken - CTB) of Amsterdam UMC. Instructions about how to submit your request can be found on their website.

To request samples or data from biobanks of specific departments or units (e.g. Clinical Chemistry, 'Pathology' and 'Clinical Genetics) you may have to submit an application form used by that department. More information can be found on their intranetsite.