Searching information

Finding all information you need takes time and proper preparation. Hence, we offer search tips and tricks to get started. 

Search Tips & Tricks

This section of the Medical Collections, entails further information about:

  1. Developing answerable questions
  2. Identify synonyms and related terms
  3. Use truncation and wildcards
  4. Combining terms
  5. Identify search limits / exclusion criteria
  6. Keyword vs subject searching


The Medical Library offers courses to PhD students through the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School. Most of the available courses are e-learnings or online information the student can do individually. To be able to enter our (hybrid) course "Searching for a systematic review", general knowledge obtained through the
available e-learning courses/online information is required (systematic review libguide).

For further information, see the courses page of the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School.

Are you a nurse? See the guide Verpleegkundige Informatievaardigheden.