Immune System Cytomics

Two of the most relevant characteristics of the immune system are its highly complex heterogeneity in terms of cell types and functional states, and, the interconnectedness of all these cell subsets. Both properties are critical for the functioning of the immune system in protecting us from infections while maintaining homeostasis; but, at the same time, make this organ extremely difficult to characterize in detail. Our group focuses on harnessing highly multiplexed single-cell technologies to characterize the immune system cytome (the collection of all different cell subsets and cell states within an organ, including their interrelations) which will be critical for the identification of correlates of disease or immunological interventions as well as for elucidating the underlying (patho)physiological mechanisms of immunity.

Juan J. Garcia Vallejo

Group members

Marlous van den Braber (Technician)
Maartje Rietdijk (PhD Student)
Konrad Reichel (PhD Student)
Ming Cai (PhD Student)
Leo Kuhnen (PhD Student)

Key publications

View the publications of the Immune System Cytomics research team at Pubmed.



Immune monitoring | Cytomics | Spectral flow cytometry | Single cell methodologies | High-dimensional data analysis