The Dutch Research Council NWO has awarded two ACS researchers, Frances de Man and Stephan Huveneers with a Vici grant! Vici is targeted at outstanding senior researchers who have succesfully demonstrated the ability to develop their own innovative lines of research, and to act as coaches for young researchers. The maximal grant is 1.5 milion euros. More details on the projects of Frances de Man and Stephan Huveneers can be found below.

Frances de Man

The magic of communication: influence of inflammation and disturbed BMP/TGFb in intercellular communicationand right ventricular adaptation in patients with pulmonary hypertension (HERMES)

Abnormal inflammation has been described in pulmonary arterial hypertension, but its role in right ventricular adaptation and failure is elusive. This translational study will reveal how inflammation is altered and interacts with cellular communication at the local and the systemic level of the right heart. Novel therapeutic compounds targeting inflammation will be tested in preclinical models and patients. As right heart failure is still the number one cause of-death in these patients and no specific right heart treatments exists, this study is essential to identify new therapeutic targets and ensure safety of newly developed compounds.

Stephan Huveneers

Tension in blood vessels

The endothelial cells within blood vessels are closely linked through molecular connections. Recent discoveries show that tension can generate protective signals at these connections. These signals safeguard blood vessel integrity, for instance, in response to changes in blood pressure. However, during the onset of cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure or vascular stiffening, these connections are damaged, resulting in leaky blood vessels. The investigators will study how endothelial cells respond to tension and stiffness. Using the acquired knowledge, they will search for possibilities to counteract vascular leakage in disease.

About the Vici Grant

The Vici grant is part of the NWO Talent Programme that offers personal grants to talented, creative researchers. This enables them to conduct the research of their choice. The Talent Scheme has three funding instruments (Veni, Vidi, Vici) tailored to various phases in researchers' scientific careers. Researchers can apply for a maximum amount of 320,000 euros for Veni, 850,000 euros for Vidi, and 1.5 million euros for Vici. Vici is for senior researchers who have demonstrated an ability to develop their own line of research. This year, there were 337 pre-applications and 35 researchers have received the Vici grant.

For more information about the awarded Vici Grants 2023, you can visit this page

Source: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)

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