Recently, several AGEM affiliated researchers working in the department of surgery of the Amsterdam UMC have received grants for their projects on Crohn's disease and pancreatic cysts.

Litwin IBD Pioneers

Who: dr. Jaap Stoker and dr. Christianne Buskens

Grant type: the Litwin IBD Pioneers initiative supports innovative clinical and translational research projects with the potential to impact the treatment of IBD patients in the near future. 

How much: 108.537 US dollars

Project: Advanced MRI for predicting early treatment response in perianal Crohn's disease.


Who: dr. Christianne Buskens

Grant type: implementation round of appropriate care, part of the program DoelmatigheidsOnderzoek, of the Dutch ZonMw. This organization programs and finances research and innovation in health, care and welfare.

How much: 221.961 euros

Project: Aiming for MRI closure of Crohn's perianal fistulas: an implementation process for surgical closure to prevent long-term recurrences. Extra information only available in Dutch at the moment.

Duration: 2023-2025

United European Gastroenterology (UEG)

Who: prof. Marc Besselink and Charlotte Leseman

Grant: the UEG is a non-profit organization for excellence in digestive health in Europe, they offer a range of opportunities in the form of fellowships and grants.

How much: 21.000 euro

Project: to set up new, evidence-based international guidelines for the treatment of pancreatic cysts.


Who: prof.dr. Willem Bemelman and Anouck Haanappel

Grant type: Open round 2024, research into the effectiveness and costs of interventions. Part of the program DoelmatigheidsOnderzoek of the Dutch ZonMw. This organization programs and finances research and innovation in health, care and welfare.

How much: 767.647 euro

Project: What is the best ileocolic anastomoses in Crohn's disease? A Randomized controlled trial comparing handsewn (end-to-end or Kono-S) to stapled anastomosis in ileocolic resection for Crohn’s disease. Prof.dr. Bemelman has previously received funding for a similar and parallel study, making this the End2End study 2.0. Extra information only available in Dutch at the moment.

Duration: 2023-2027