Additionally Dr. Bart Baselmans (former member of the PM junior board) talked about his career and obtaining the Rubicon grant. He shared his experiences of working abroad and establishing an international network. Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey Bart!
The afternoon was closed by announcing the winners of the Travel Grant. The two winners are:
Julien Vos – Julien is a PhD candidate at the department of General Practice at Amstedam UMC (location AMC). His research is about a mixed-methods evaluation on patient’s experiences with general practitioner-led colon cancer survivorship care. Using the PM Junior Travel Grant, Julien will attend the 6th European Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship (ECRS) Symposium in Copenhagen to present the results of his study. Even though Julien is in his last year of his PhD, this will be the first time he will attend an international conference.
Daphne Boucherie – Daphne is a PhD candidate at the department of Radiology at Amsterdam UMC (location AMC). Her research is about drug-induced neuronal activity using an interleaved MR protocol combining phMRI (Pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging) with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS). Daphne will present the first findings of her research at the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) conference in Glasgow.