Professor dr. Paul van Zuijlen, at the Burn Center in Beverwijk, is investigating whether a medication for burn patients can also be used to treat corona patients. This involves alkaline phosphatase, which in burn patients reduces the risk of inflammation. Burn patients are given alkaline phosphatase to balance the immune system and minimize the risk of complications.

As the immune system of covid patients is disturbed similarly, the researchers at the Burn Center came up with the idea of treating the covid patients with alkaline phosphatase as well. 'One hundred subjects are needed for the research', explains spokesperson Sandra de Jong. 'These must be adult patients with severe covid symptoms who are on the ventilator. In addition to the RKZ (Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis), patients at the intensive care units at other hospitals will also be given the drug. Alkaline phosphatase is a substance found in the blood which has as yet not been registered for the treatment of covid patients. Before the drug can be administered to a subject, the patient (or their relatives) must sign a statement to that effect'.