Theme Coffee & research
Target audience A&LL researchers
Language English


Aging & Later Life starts with a monthly ‘Coffee & Research’ webinar of one hour to give the floor to A&LL researchers to present. We aim for combination talks of a senior/ PI with a junior/early career. The senior presents the main topics and the type of research. The junior presents a specific project. There is room for questions and discussion after each talk.

Coffee & Research talks originated from General Practice & Medicine for Older People joined by Geriatrics in the past year. We thought the time right to broaden Coffee & Research to make this an Aging & Later Life event.

The webinar via teams (invite by Marlien Splinter) is planned the 3rd Monday of the month between 10:00-11.00. We communicate in English. There are also fixed locations to join in a hybrid way at the VU (OZW A807) and the AMC (G7-188) and meet afterwards.

Speakers and topic of the webinar on January 20:

Prof. Dr. Majon Muller - Heart Brain Connection: towards clinical implementation

Elias Thomas - Assessment of documented symptoms in patients with heart failure: the role of gender

Date and Location

Time From 10:00 to 11:00
Start date Monday, January 20, 2025
Location Online